實驗七         I/O驅動喇叭唱一首歌









        程式執行後,喇叭放出〝祝你生日快樂〞之旋律, 反覆不停.





    SO EQU 0                                             define constant value so=0 

    LA EQU 1                                             define constant value so=1 

    SI EQU 2                                               define constant value so=2 

    HDO EQU 3                                          define constant value so=3 

    HRE EQU 4                                           define constant value so=4 

    HMI EQU 5                                           define constant value so=5 

    HFA EQU 6                                           define constant value so=6 

    HSO EQU 7                                           define constant value so=7 

    ORG 000H                                             reset  start here


    MOV R3,#NNN                                     load unmber of tatal tones

    MOV R4,#0                                           set data index =0.first tone


    CALL SONG1                                       get a tone data of the song   

    MOV R5,A                                            r5= note name

    INC R4                                                  inrcease index

    CALL SONG1                                       get a tone length

    MOV R2,A                                            r2=time values

    CALL PLAY                                          play a tone with time values 

    INC R4                                                 increase index

    DJNZ R3,LOOPR                                    if song not finish.  next tone

    JMP START                                           sing again


    MOV A,R5                                            load a tone number 

    RL A                                                    mulitple 2

    PUSH ACC                                            save accumulator

    MOV DPTR,#TABLE                               load frequency table address

    MOVC A,@A+DPDR                               get frequency  parameter

    MOV R0,A                                            load R0 with freq. parameter

    INC DPTR                                             point next data 

    POP ACC                                              restore tone number

    MOVC A,@A+DPDR                               load tone length

    MOV R1,A                                            R1= tone length

    CALL TONE                                          sing a tone

    RET                                                     return caller


    LOOP3: MOV R6,1                                  load R6 with R1 

    LOOP2: CPL P3,7                                    invert p3.7 for speaker on-off         

    MOV R7,0                                             load R7 with R0 


     SJMP $+2                                             delay 2 us  

    NOP                                                     delay 1 usecind

    DJNZ R7,LOOP1                                    delay R0 * (2+1+2) us

    DJNZ R6,LOOP2                                    delay R1 * (R0*5) us= 0.125s

    DJNZ R2,LOOP3                                    delay R2 * (0.125us)

    SETB P3,7                                             let p3.7= 1,speaker off

     RET                                                    return caller


     DB 255,98                                           no.0 = period, times of so

    DB 227,110                                           no.1 = period, times of la

    DB 202,124                                          no.2 = period, times of si

    DB 191,131                                          no.3 = period, times of . do

    DB 170.147                                          no.4 = period, times of . re

    DB 151,165                                          no.5 = period, times of . mi   

    DB 143,175                                          no.6 = period, times of . fa

    DB 127,196                                          no.7 = period, times of  . so


    MOV A,R4                                           load a with index number           

    INC A                                                 A = A+1 = R4+1

    MOVC A,@A+PC                                  get display code

    RET                                                    return 


    DB SO,4 SO,4 LA,8 SO,8 HDO,8 SI,16 SO,4 SO,4                  

    DB LA,8 SO,8 HRE,8 HDO,16 SO,4 SO,4 HSO,8

    DB HMI,8 HDO,8 SI,8 HFA,4 HFA,4  HMI,8

    DB HDO,8 HRE,8 HHDO,16


    EQU ($-SONG)/2                                   number of tones        
